Medical Systems for Industry

Hauppauge, NY  -  Richmond, VA     

Tel (631) 804-9625     


Copyright 2021

Medical packaging equipment and packaging materials for medical device, pharmaceutical and diagnostic test kit packaging

Medical Systems for Industry

Medical form fill seal trim machine designed for high quality medical packaging of medical products by producing a ‘Surlyn soft bottom’ Tyvek pouch.  Bulky medical products such as tubing sets and surgical procedure kits can either be manually loaded or automatically loading into vacuum formed Surlyn and Tyvek pouches.

DESCRIPTION: The 25/200-FST Series are automatic form/fill/seal & trim types of inline packaging machinery designed to run: blister packs, portion packs, medical trays, unit dose packs, etc., and other packages requiring form/fill/seal & trim. Plastic film is formed into multiple #-up blisters/trays, operators load product into them, a lidstock is placed over the package, which is then heat sealed and die cut into individual packages and dispensed from the end of the machine. Roll fed (random or registered preprinted may be used) lidstock such as: Tyvek, paper, foil, laminates, etc. may be used. Date code and specialized printing systems, as well as automatic product feeders can be easily added to this machine.

Medical form fill seal trim machine

designed for medical packaging automatic loading of medical products

automatic loading of medical form fill seal machines

Standard Form Area Sizes

5 x 9 inches

7 x 9 inches

10 x 10 inches

14 x 14 inches

16 x 28 inches

Custom sizes available

Click here for information for Tyvek rollstock for form fill seal machines

Contact us for equipment specs

and pricing details